A month or two ago, I was asked to cater (I love to cook as well as bake!) a small luncheon for the Department Head of one of the schools at UGA. I put together a menu quickly and it was received with rave reviews.
This Greek Salad with Orzo and Black-Eyed Peas was the perfect thing to serve. It is layered in wide mouth mason jars, so each person has their own serving. They are then able to empty their jar into a bowl and enjoy.

I roasted some shrimp with Greek flavors and fresh herbs to accompany the salad.

This Garlicky Red Lentil Dal is one of the best dips I have ever made. It is served with pita chips.

The luncheon was finished off with Mini Key Lime Pies topped with sweetened whipped cream.

This luncheon was so fun to create and prepare and the flavors of the the dishes complimented each other perfectly.